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JLC makes strategic move-relocation of headquarters

2:35pm 29 Jan, 2022 Victor Yang

Beijing (JLC), January 29, 2022--JLC has made an important strategic move, relocating its headquarters to the core of the Wangjing Technology Business Innovation Zone in Beijing on January 28, 2022.


JLC relocation

The company moved its headquarters onto the second and 39th floors of China Brocade in the Beijing Greenland Center which is dubbed the tallest building in the Guomen Central Business District. This was the first important move among JLC's plans for future development, after it teamed up with a strategic investor in November 2021, and it indicates that the company is ushering in new development.

JLC held a ceremony at nine a.m. on January 28 to celebrate the relocation of the headquarters, and the ceremony was attended by JLC Board Chairman Sun Jingjing, JLC founder and Co-Board Chairman Huang Haixin, JLC President Hao Na, JLC vice president Huang Yuqing and vice president He Yu.

JLC relocation


The relocation opened the door to a new journey for JLC and it was historic for the company, Huang Haixin said at the ceremony, The past has become history and what is now greeting us is hope, confidence, opportunities and great potential. Let's run hand in hand on the new journey!

JLC relocation

The relocation means not only better working environment but also a step forward towards sustainable development for the company. It is a sign of a brighter future for JLC.

We will step up our efforts to improve and innovate our management, products and service. We'd also like to thank you for your support and trust that has been crucial to our development over the past few years.


Below is the new address of JLC's headquarters and your visit will always be welcome:


2F China Brocade, No. 11, Block 4, Wangjing East Park, Chaoyang District, Beijing (北京市朝阳区望京东园四区11号楼2层)

We wish you good luck, happiness, great health and prosperity in 2022!