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Oman (Oman) 73.69 Brent 73.65 Brent Dtd (UK) 75.10 Dubai (UAE) 73.50 SC crude contract 516.6 Shengli (China) 73.40 WTI 70.91 Oman (Oman) 73.69 Brent 73.65 Brent Dtd (UK) 75.10 Dubai (UAE) 73.50 SC crude contract 516.6 Shengli (China) 73.40 WTI 70.91

JLC holds exclusive session on global oil and natural gas market

4:26pm 04 Jan, 2023 Yu Xie

Beijing (JLC), January 4, 2023--On December 29, JLC held an exclusive online session on global oil and natural gas market. Ms. Han Jingyuan moderated the session, and the guest, Mr. Yan Jiantao, JLC Chief Expert, shared his insights into the global oil and natural gas market, price movement and industry policies, attracting over 10 thousand online viewers.

Ms. Han, Chief of JLC Energy Information Product Department, began the session with an introduction to JLC Digital Intelligence service system. Mr. Yan followed by an in-depth analysis of different factors shaping the international oil and gas market.

Regarding the seasonality of the oil prices in the year of 2023, Mr. Yan mentioned that a relatively long summer and winter in the coming year will make some impact.

When it comes to the GSCPI (Global Supply Chain Pressure Index), Mr. Yan pointed out the weakness of the current production mode in the complicated global situation. The global supply chain crisis has pushed up the prices of bulk commodities worldwide, and will continue to shake the world. In previous years, JIT manufacturing (Just-in-time manufacturing), which highlighted stockless production, was a common practice for many companies. But this production mode was proved to be effective only when the global supply chain is highly stable, compact and sustainable. In a complex international landscape like what we have today, JIT manufacturing can hardly sustain. In such circumstances, the necessity for stable production and moderate stocking has emerged.

In terms of the global oil and gas market in the short run, Mr. Yan said that the uncertainties in macro-economy, policies and the global landscape have exaggerated the price movement. In the crude oil market, OPEC countries have gained a bigger say in the current structure; and in the LNG market, he who owns infrastructure and capital holds a higher chance, according to Mr. Yan.

Arthur Jiantao Yan is a best-selling award-winning author and energy subject speaker with over 20 years of energy industry experiences.

He works through the full energy value chain. He was the Head of Policy, Industry & Regulatory Affairs at BP China. Prior to that, he was the primary equity analyst of Goldman Sach. He was a top-ranked energy analyst for II All-China Research by global institutional investors. He currently is an independent director of the board.

Previously he was the senior strategic consultant and business development manager at IHS/CERA, advising the Chinese energy and financial firms investing globally.

He was the co-author of the best-selling award-winning books Top Charts for Crude Futures, Top Charts for Natural Gas & LNG and forthcoming Top Charts for Petroleum & Energy Products, the China chapter of Achieving Energy Security in Asia: Diversification, Integration and Policy Implication, and the Chinese reviewer of Daniel Yergin’s book The Quest: Energy, Security, and the Remaking of the Modern World and the new book The Map.