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CCTV interviews JLC again for trend of hydrogen energy

3:06pm 27 Apr, 2023 Serenity

Beijing (JLC), April 27, 2023--China Central Television (CCTV) interviewed JLC again on April 26 for the new trend of green hydrogen energy.

JLC, the only domestic research and consulting company invited, was interviewed by the team of Economic News on CCTV Financial Channel in the third episode of its popular program focusing on the development of the hydrogen energy industry. Zhang Yingying, a senior energy analyst of JLC, talked about the latest trend of hydrogen-powered heavy trucks during the interview.


The beginning of 2023 has seen an increase in the operation of hydrogen-powered vehicles. For example, a hydrogen-powered logistics line from Tianjin Port to Dingzhou, Hebei Province has been formed. Jinnan Steel Group in Shanxi Province has also put a number of hydrogen-powered trucks into operation for the transportation of coal. Besides, different batches of hydrogen fuel cell vehicles have come online at the logistic parks in Sichuan and Chongqing since 2021. Such hydrogen-powered vehicles are basically applied within short and medium distance.


At present, an annual hydrogen output of about 33 million mt makes China the largest hydrogen-producing country in the world with huge potential in hydrogen energy supply. The output value of China's hydrogen energy industry is expected to reach CNY12 trillion by 2050, which will become a new growth pole of the world economy, according to the China Hydrogen Alliance.


Hydrogen energy is a promising secondary energy source in the 21st century with multiple advantages and great potential in transportation, industry and construction. In recent years, China has been making efforts to lay out the hydrogen energy industry, laying a good foundation for the further development of hydrogen energy technology and the industry chain. JLC also launched an exclusive market research service on hydrogen energy, enabling enterprises in the industry to develop rapidly.


As the leading provider of market intelligence and pricing solutions for energy products and commodities in China, JLC is deeply engaged in the energy and new energy industry, and will continue to pay attention to the development of the hydrogen energy industry and provide quality services for the decision making of industry clients. Meanwhile, JLC will continue to strengthen its big data processing capability and artificial intelligence application to provide comprehensive, rapid, accurate and intelligent services to commodity market participants and make new contributions to energy structure transformation in China and green development.