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Chunyun Update (Feb 23-27)

7:02pm 29 Feb, 2024 Ray Chen

Guangzhou (JLC), February 29, 2024 – Passenger flows picked up somewhat between February 23 and February 27 as the weather improved slightly, with daily trips rebounding from a low seen on February 22, according to JLC’s calculations based on data from the Ministry of Transport.


A total of approximately 7.20 billion passenger trips were completed between January 26 and February 27 (the first 33 days of Chunyun) by road, railway, air and waterway across the country, JLC’s calculations showed.


The figure was in line with what the Ministry of Transport announced on Thursday.


It was up 10.6% from the corresponding period in 2023, Li Xiaopeng, Minister of Transport said, also represented a growth of 9.1% from the corresponding period in 2019.

Chunyun, Spring Festival travel rush

Chunyun, Spring Festival travel rush