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China's im-export value in goods up 5.5% yoy in Jan-Feb

7:14pm 08 Mar, 2024 Ray Chen

Guangzhou (JLC), March 8, 2024 – China got off to a good start in 2024 with a year-on-year growth in its import-export value of goods in the first two months, data from the General Administration of Customs of the PRC (GACC) showed.


China's total imports and exports of goods (in USD terms) expanded 5.5% year on year to approximately USD931 billion in January-February 2024, the GACC data showed. In CNY terms, the im-export value grew 8.7% year on year to CNY6.61 trillion in these two months, the data showed.


In breakdown, export value of goods gained 7.1% yoy to about USD528 billion, while import value of goods was up 3.5% yoy to around USD403 billion.


China's trade in goods with ASEAN, its largest trade partner, rose 4.8% year on year to about USD140 billion, accounting for about 15% of the country's total trade value, the data showed.


The country's trade in goods with its third-largest trade partner, the United States, grew 0.7% to about USD99.55 billion during the period, while that with the European Union, its second-largest trade partner, fell 4.1% to about USD117.25 billion.

imports and exports of goods