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China wraps up Chunyun with record-high passenger trips

7:17pm 08 Mar, 2024 Ray Chen

Guangzhou (JLC), March 8, 2024 – China wrapped up the 40-day Spring Festival travel rush (Chunyun) for 2024 with 8.42 billon passenger trips completed, a record high for the corresponding period, Li Xiaopeng, Minister of Transport said on Friday.


It was up 9.8% from the corresponding period in 2023, also represented a growth of 7.1% from the corresponding period in 2019, the minister said.


The figure undershot the government's original estimate, which was about 9 billion trips, largely due to two rounds of snowy and freezing weather that swept most regions in China and caused disruptions of transportation.


Private car travel accounted for about 80% of the total passenger trips, and the remaining 20% were contributed by the “operational passenger volume”, which means trips made by passengers who bought tickets to travel by air, railway, road and waterway, Li said.

Chunyun, Spring Festival travel rush

Chunyun, Spring Festival travel rush