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New Chinese energy alliance founded to focus on carbon footprint

7:03pm 25 Jul, 2024 Stella Chen

Guangzhou (JLC), July 25, 2024--A new Chinese energy and chemical alliance focusing on carbon footprint was founded on July 24, China Petroleum Daily reported on its WeChat platform on July 25.


The Energy and Chemical Industry Chain Carbon Footprint Alliance (hereinafter referred to as the "alliance") was jointly formed by eight domestic energy companies, comprising PetroChina, Sinopec, CNOOC, PipeChina, CHN Energy, Sinochem, Wanhua Chemical, and Zhejiang Petroleum & Chemical.


The alliance was founded with the purpose of promoting the accurate calculation and application of carbon footprint in China's energy and chemical industrial chain.


It plans to establish an initial carbon footprint management system and determine a set of accounting standards by 2027, aiming to strengthen the management of carbon footprint and support the industry in reducing carbon emissions.


The founding meeting was held in Beijing on Wednesday. Some relevant departments, including the Ministry of Ecology and Environment, the China National Institute of Standardization, and the China Petroleum and Chemical Industry Federation, also attended the meeting.


Carbon footprint is an indicator used to estimate the total carbon dioxide emissions that are caused directly or indirectly by an individual, organization, product, or country over a certain period of time.