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China unveils guidelines to accelerate green transition

6:53pm 13 Aug, 2024 Ray Chen

*China issued 33-point guidelines for its green transition;

*The guidelines also set specific targets in different sectors;

*Non-fossil energy shall increase to about 25% of China’s total energy consumption by 2030;

*New energy cars shall become the mainstream in new car sales by 2035.


Guangzhou (JLC), August 13, 2024 – The Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee and the State Council released on July 31 a set of guidelines to speed up China’s green transition, State-run Xinhua News Agency reported on Sunday.


The 33-point guidelines set some general targets for the country’s green transition.


By 2030, China shall see notable progress in key areas in terms of green transition, basically achieving green production and green lifestyle in such areas.


By 2035, a green, low-carbon and sustainable economy will be largely established, with carbon emissions gradually declining after peaking.


The guidelines also set out specific targets for different areas. 


For example, China's energy conservation and environmental protection industry shall reach about CNY15 trillion by 2030, the guidelines said.


Most notably, non-fossil energy shall account for around 25% of China’s total energy consumption by 2030, according to the guidelines.


Non-fossil energy took up about 17.8% in China’s primary energy mix in 2023, and is expected to reach 19.1% in 2024, according to data from Sinopec, JLC previously reported. (See China’s petroleum consumption will still grow in 2024: Sinopec)

 green transition

Moreover, China shall resolutely control the consumption of fossil fuel, deeply promote the clean and efficient utilization of coal, strictly and reasonably control the growth of coal consumption during the “14th Five Year Plan Period” (2021-2025), and gradually reduce its coal consumption in the next five years, according to the guidelines.


Guidelines on oil & gas, chemical, transport sectors

China shall vigorously promote the green and low-carbon transition of industries such as steel, non-ferrous metals, oil and chemicals, promote energy-saving, low-carbon, and clean production technology and equipment, and advance the upgrade of processing technology, the guidelines said.


The country shall establish a sound mechanism to phase out outdated capacity, and reasonably raise the bar for new construction, upgrade, and expansion projects. It shall resolutely curb the implementation of high energy consuming, high emission, and low-level projects.


For the transport sector, China shall promote low-carbon transportation vehicles and new energy cars. By 2035, new energy cars shall become the mainstream in new car sales, according to the guidelines.