8 results for keyword "Latex supply"
Natural rubber prices may strong on tight latex supply
03-13-2024 00:00:00 -
Natural rubber prices up on tight latex supply
01-11-2024 00:00:00 -
Natural rubber prices to fall in Nov on increased latex supply
11-08-2023 00:00:00 -
Hainan latex supply falls on hot weather
05-24-2021 17:31:31 -
SEA latex supply stays tight in Sep on many rains
09-21-2020 17:27:55 -
SEA 2019 latex supply lower on fungal disease and bad weather
11-20-2019 10:04:59 -
Latex supply recovers in SEA despite rainfall
08-20-2019 17:15:27 -
Latex supply sees different trends in Hainan & Yunnan
06-25-2019 16:58:52