167 results for keyword "author:Erica DU"
Polybutadiene prices drop to year-to-date low
07-25-2019 16:31:29 -
Oil-extended SBS prices move downwards in H1, 2019
07-18-2019 15:27:43 -
PBR prices to drop in July amid weak demand (Part 2)
07-16-2019 17:23:43 -
PBR prices to drop in July amid weak demand (Part 1)
07-16-2019 17:12:04 -
Rising PBR supply in July weighs on spot prices (Part 2)
07-16-2019 17:05:51 -
Rising PBR supply in July weighs on spot prices (Part 1)
07-16-2019 17:00:45 -
WACKER launches a new production line
07-10-2019 16:59:20 -
SBS exports rise steadily in May (Part 2)
07-10-2019 16:45:29 -
SBS exports rise steadily in May (Part 1)
07-10-2019 16:37:43 -
BCS prices to rise in July amid dropping supply
07-10-2019 08:12:22 -
SBS import drops further in May (Part 2)
07-09-2019 09:18:52 -
SBS import drops further in May (Part 1)
07-09-2019 09:14:08 -
SBS operating rate hits a new high in June (Part 2)
07-09-2019 08:17:45 -
SBS operating rate hits a new high in June (Part 1)
07-09-2019 08:13:24 -
PBR demand to drop amid risk aversion attitudes
07-04-2019 17:15:30 -
SBS producers to achieve profit maximization
06-28-2019 09:42:03 -
Butadiene prices to drop amid weakening support from supply (Part 2)
06-28-2019 09:36:25 -
Butadiene prices to drop amid weakening support from supply (Part 1)
06-28-2019 09:31:39 -
Downstream consumption of SBS sees a mixed trend
06-28-2019 09:24:09 -
Synthetic rubber prices to drop further in H2 2019
06-27-2019 09:05:17